Oficjalny Serwis Miasta Wałbrzycha

Technical Infrastructure

Gas supply

The gas network in the city of Wałbrzych is managed by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa w Wrocławiu, ul. Ziębicka 44, 50-507 Wrocław.

  • The gas supply is via a low- and medium-pressure network,    
  • There are 48 reduction and measuring stations.    
  • The length of the low pressure gas network - 186710 mb,    
  • Length of medium pressure gas network - 86 710 mb,   
  • The length of the gas network of increased average pressure - 17 624 mb,   
  • Length of low pressure gas connections - 72 450 mb,    

Length of medium pressure gas connections - 14 153 mb.


The distribution of electricity in the city of Wałbrzych is the subject of operations of TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. Branch in Wałbrzych. There are 6 Main Power Supply Points (GPZ) located in Wałbrzych powered by 110 kV high voltage overhead power lines. Medium voltage MV 10 kV and 20 kV MV overhead and cable lines (underground) are supplied from the GPZ, which supply MV / LV pole-mounted or indoor MV / LV transformer stations. The MV / LV substation has an overhead low voltage and 0.4 kV low voltage cable network supplying consumers.

Some recipients (larger production plants) have their own MV / LV transformer stations, which are supplied from the medium voltage MV power network.

Length of power lines belonging to TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. in the city of Wałbrzych are:    

  • HV 110 kV high voltage overhead lines - 56.3 km,    
  • medium voltage 10 kV and 20 kV medium voltage lines - 280 km,   
  • LV 0.4 kV low voltage lines - 574 km.

Water supply

Wałbrzych is supplied with water from surface and underground intakes in Marciszów Dolny and Górne, from deep intakes in Gorzeszów, Unisław Śląski and Czarny Bór.     

  • Length of distribution water supply network - 218.6 km,    
  • Main network length - 68.2 km,    
  • Accessibility to the water supply network - 99%,    
  • Annual consumption - 5.99 million m3 (sales),    
  • Network performance - 81 thousand m3/d.

Sanitary sewage system

The length of the sanitary network (without sewage connections) - 461.3 km (including Wałbrzych 214.2 km),    

Number of sewage treatment plants - 5:

  • Sewage Treatment Plant "Ciernie" in Świebodzice, address: ul. Strzegomska 82, 58-160 Świebodzice,
  • Jugowice Sewage Treatment Plant, address: ul. Główna 36, ​​58-321 Jugowice,   
  • Sewage Treatment Plant "Gorce" in Czarny Bór, address: ul. Wałbrzyska 5, 58-379 Czarny Bór,   
  • Sewage Treatment Plant in Dziećmorowice, address: ul. Sienkiewicza 99, 58-308 Dziećmorowice,    
  • Sewage Treatment Plant in Chwaliszów, address: ul. Main plot No. 185/3 and No. 164/3, 58-312 Chwaliszów


Sewage Treatment Plant in Chwaliszów 

Sewage Treatment Plant "Ciernie" in Świebodzice

Sewage Treatment Plant in Dziećmorowice

Sewage Treatment Plant "Gorce" in Czarny Bór

Jugowice Sewage Treatment Plant

Permissible sewage flows according to technical documentation and water law permit

Q śrd = 484 m3/d

Q maxd = 565 m3/d

Q śrd = 40 000 m3/d

Q maxh = 4 000 m3/d

Q maxr = 14 600 000 m3/r

Q śrd = 800 m3/d

Q maxh = 60 m3/h

Q maxr = 356 484 m3/r

wody opadowe:

Q maxs = 4 dm3/s

Q śrd = 3 000 m3/d (okres bezdeszczowy)   

Q maxd = 10 000 m3/d

wody opadowe:

Q maxs = 108 dm3/s

Q śrd = 6 000 m3/d

Q maxr = 2 500 000 m3/r

Q maxh = 1 150 m3/h

  • The water supply and sewage network is managed by Wałbrzyskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o.

Storm water drainage

  • The length of the network - approx. 169 km, on which about 6,500 street inlets are located,  
  • Approx. 70% of the network is built before 1945, the network is gradually undergoing renovation and reconstruction as part of road investments,   
  • The municipal storm water drainage system in the city of Wałbrzych is maintained by the Road, Communication and City Maintenance Authority.